Recently I spoke to a friend, and the conversation led us to a topic in which we have completely different opinions. Employment.
Some people see a future in Self-Employment, which enables one to have flexibility in ones work hours, and can have a very large income potential. Whereas others feel that self-employment is a dream, and that being employed for a firm, corporation, or any stabilized job is more secure. They feel that by earning a set wage, they are guaranteed their monthly expenses are paid for.
Both schools of thought have pro’s and cons, after all, that is how the world exists – based on balance, as well as the fact that all people are different.
However, the main question is, what are you looking for in life? How do you see your future being? Forget for one second about dreams versus reality, what do you really want out of life?
The only way to come to a solid answer is by asking oneself a series of questions.
- How hard am I willing to work to get to where I want to get?
- What are my boundaries? What will I do or not do?
- Does my vision for the future compromise my family in any way? Are they going to be happy?
- Do I have the necessary support?
- What is my potential?
- Do I have entrepreneur or boss qualities?
These are just a few questions one needs to ask.
Remember: there is a big difference between dreaming for something, and setting your goals to get them. The difference is whether you are talking or doing, are you on your feet or not? Dreaming can be done in bed, whereas goals, big or small, need hard work and perseverance.
They may even be the same thing, for example, a person could have a dream to live in a 10 million dollar home, and then uses his dream to set his goal to achieve it. He would need to write up an action plan, of how he will achieve his goal.
On the other hand some people feel that you need to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to achieve dreams like that.
Well, let me break the ice for you;
a) The fact is that many people achieved their multi-million dollar home (ever heard of rags to riches?).
b) The fact that the object of the dream exists means there is a possibility to achieve it.
If your answer is… “Well that’s just luck, not everyone has that ability in life”
The luck, is to have the belief and ambition, “where there is a will, there is a way” is the most appropriate phrase.
There was a study done that shows that 98% of the worlds economy is earned by 1% of the worlds population. One of the reasons is because only a very little amount of people believes in these ambitions, and so called ‘dreams’, and was willing to do whatever it takes to get there.
Yet… don’t get me wrong, I still respect the opinion of working in a stable job. However I would like to remind you that the word ‘stable’ means stable for as many years as the company you are working for exists, or keeps running. However it will only continue through the perseverance of the bosses, and leaders. It’s also possible that the boss could see you as a threat and will kick you out for no practical reason. It has been seen many times before, it is one way that some businesses maintain a steady distance from their employees. They cap the employee to reach a certain hight or level in the business and if they see that this employee is still ambitious to reach higher, it would seem to them as a threat and they eliminate that threat by firing him. This sometimes is beneficial (and worth the risk) for the company to fire this one employee and hire another one like him, this allows them to restart on the salary and bonuses levels.
Based on this, I would suggest that you should always have a backup, something small on the side, it could be a hobby, but it should be something that makes money like a small home-based business. Or, some businesses offer a referral program, which enables you to receive residual income just by referring a friend to their company. (KolBaKol is one such company)
For the entrepreneur to be, it is important to keep into account that before you start you must two kinds of support, Internal and External Support. Internal Support is an example of your wife (if you are married) may have to work (and should be in the position to) for a year so that you can focus on starting up the business properly. Or, you will need to have some other sort of social support (such as parents, friends, community or other) since times are hard, and being an entrepreneur, having the will power to continue when times are rough, will be all the more easier if you have someone telling you ‘you can do it’ as well as helping you out financially. External support – this might be a consideration of hiring a marketing agency, consultants or something with in your budget. The best way to save money is by finding an agency or company that is multi-faceted which means that they offer several services in one.
There are many websites, blogs and other resources out there that can give you more advice on having a side business or starting your own business as an entrepreneur when searching you can use some of these helpful key words.
Key to success
Home based business
Starting your own business
Residual Income
Will Power
Hard Work