There are several types of advertising in a community publication;
• Classified section of a newspaper
• Ad in a newspaper (there are different sizes such as; 1/8 page, ¼ page, ½ page and Full pages – all vary in prices.)
• Ad in local community advertiser (a booklet with no text - only ads)
• Ad in a local community magazine.
There are several pros and cons to each of these types of advertisements.
1. Classifieds section in Newspaper: Pros: Cheap. Can go on for weeks. Specified. Cons: Not much visibility and exposure (not many people have the time to go through every single classified listing). May portray your company as cheap. Has short lived visibility span (gets thrown out and is not kept for long)
2. Ad in Newspaper: Pros: is good because it has a larger reading and visibility rate, it has the possibility of being cut out and kept. Cons: Low quality imaging, less text area (to explain your product), higher cost compared to what you are getting.
3. Ad in Local Community Advertiser: Very beneficial! Pros: Mid level pricing, higher visibility (especially if you purchase in color), mid level image quality. Cons: Short lived visibility rate, if not continuous you will be forgotten, very competitive (since there may be several others who do the same as you).
4. Ad in Magazine: Pros: Best Quality image, High visibility rate, Long lasting readership value, chance to explain or educate on your product, more professional. Cons: (normally) higher costs, not as often, and is very targeted to your image, clientele and branding.
Note some of these pros can also be cons and vice-versa. The tip is: do some research before you advertise! It may be very beneficial if done right and may be catastrophic if done wrong! It might be clever to advertise in one of these or in all of these. You decide!
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