Most businesses only list themselves in the yellow pages or in the listings section of their local phone directory. But it is those who invest in an advertisement that get read the most!
Here are some common types of listings and advertising:
• Simple word listing: not so advisable to use this type as your primary listing option. You should consider having it as a secondary option. (Most directories offer a free word listing with an advertisement.)
• Boxed word listing: These are read – but not as much or as often as ads. This is the preferred directory listing accompanying an ad! (If the budget allows – but other wise it is not that needed).
• Ad Box – in the yellow pages or listings section: This is the most effective and well worth their investment. These ads are most commonly seen (because of the KISS Theory – click here to read how).
• Ad Box – in the white pages or residential listing section: These ads are quite effective but not really worth their prices. These ads do well as extras they remind people to go check out the yellow pages. These ads are mainly for businesses with big budgets. (If you have a large budget – this is very effective when combined with the two options above).
The tip is: Don’t worry too much about a color ad; color is not important in a directory especially if it is yellow pages. The most important trick in a phone directory or listing is to be seen, quick and effective. People are more likely to flip through the yellow pages when looking for a service and/or product. The first thing that will catch their eyes is the bigger ads (because it has pictures, nicer wording, concept and the box around it) the secondary listing they will see is the box ads. Once a person sees you twice he will more likely put you on the list of whom he’ll contact!
Second tip: Make sure that the directory or listing is reputable and going to your preferred audience. You don’t want unwanted phone calls that will waste your time. You want good clients that will BUY!
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