Some people are just not writers, as you can obviously see from my blog that is hardly updated or written properly. Some blogs are so popular based on the content they have, the way they are written and the "poetic" vocabulary that their authors use. Unfortunatly not every one has the privilage of that talent, me included! But that doesn't and shouldn't stop you from blogging or writing.
Trying and experience never hurts, it can only improve! Some people may face what I call "faze-out" - it is when you feel that you have so much to say and potentially write but when you actually come down to writing it - you faze-out and forget what you were going to say. This is the main problem I personaly face.
It was therefore decided to come up with a solution to this problem, since that is my job as the owner of a marketing and solutions agency where writing is a very large requirement, with all our case studies and ideas that we would like to propose.
While exploring my new iPhone I realized that it has quite a cool app called Voice Memo - which basically records your voice, making a memo. This app can be used for meetings, reminders or the like - sort of like a recording device on your phone! As I was exloring and testing this app I realized that you can record and save multiple such recordings and that you can label them what ever you like. That is when it dawned on me that - I speak way better than the way I write, I am good at giving presentations and so therefore I have decided to record what I had to say, save it, then transfer it to my computer and finally type up what I was hearing! I tried this method with one proposal and it worked beautifully. I did it with this article as well! And I feel that this is my best article so far and hopefully the start of many more good articles.
Here's how it works:
1. Write down in number form 1-10 on a piece of paper all the topics and pointers you would like to touch upon during your recording. Add some subsections to help you rember some key factors that cannot be missed.
2. Press the red recording button, and start talking stating the title of the subject in the begining.

3. Stop the recording when you have finished discussing the first pointer. (#1 on your list with its' subsections).
4. Press the "lines" button found on the bottom right side of your screen. (where the stop button was found).
5. The recording will then start playing and you can listen to your recording, and take notes of the information that you may have left out.

6. You will then need to press on the little blue arrow, which will take you to a screen, where you can then trim your recording - in case you want to, which you don't have to since you will be compiling this info later on. Same holds true for the sharing.

7. Once you have done reviewing and editing your recording - you would like to label it. This is done by pressing on the large box or where the time is being shown right now, this will bring you to a list of different lables. I suggest to always use custom, this way you can name the clip whatever you'd like.

8. Press done, go back to the begining and start on your second pointer. The same procedure should be followed until you are done.
Suggestion: When you are naming your clip - number them. Even though the latest clip recorded will be at the top, it is still easier to see the numbers and remember what clip is what.
9. You can then sync your phone with your computer, you can then play and playback your clip and type it up.
10. Finally, once all is typed you can then edit and compile all the info into one file. (if you want to get fancy you can even import these clips into GarageBand and make them into one track or album or whatever - I will let your imagination take you from there.)
Now, even though this article makes it sound that you must have an iPhone or a Mac for this advice - but you really don't. You can use an average regular or standard recording device, or any other app. This article is simply advising you to do what most secretaries do with recorded meetings. I am simply promoting this practice and saying that it is a good one to get accustomed to. I am also trying to encourage you that if you feel that you are challenged with writing an article - don't feel bad there is an alternative! Hey, you never know maybe soon these sites and blogs like blogger will start offering the voice option - I know that there are some people that use podcasting and video blogging - this is just another alternative!
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I saw your question on LinkedIn Answer and followed the link here.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting suggestion. I will have to give it a go on my iPhone to see if it helps me clarify what I want to say.
I also expect the process can be used for an interview where you organize the interview following the steps you have outlined.
John Corey